
Some Recent Highlights

Beginning with the most recent...this is what our kitchen looked like about an hour ago! I guess that's what I get for scrimping and buying cheap, shallow pie crusts! :) Thanks, Travis, for helping me clean it all up!

Dallas ran a half marathon yesterday! Travis and I met his fiance Lauren at the finish line to congratulate him.
Can you believe he ran 13 miles dressed as Bane?! Congrats, Dallas!

Conference weekend was a blast! We stayed with the Fairall's and had lots of time with our cute niece Lily. We played with the rest of the Creek side on Saturday, then went to Ogden to stay with our Hancock grandparents. I always love visiting them--it somehow always feels like Christmas there!

I was walking home from school the other day and ran into these fun kids playing hacky sack!
Cutest brothers in the world. We love our Braden!

Janae looked gorgeous and sang beautifully in Women's Chorus when we went to see her in
BYU's Homecoming Spectacular!

Janae also spent the night with us after our autumn party and we watched the homecoming parade together!

My latest project at work: Marketing & Promotions for the new Research & Writing Center in the HBLL! This is, by far, my favorite aspect of the job. I've been busy designing the logo and creating lots of posters and handouts and working with lots of neat people to make sure students know about the RWC. It's so fun--more to come!
I caught Travis during a break between interviews and meetings.
He's off to Chicago next week for an interview with Marriott hotels!

And we just happened to run into the other Hancocks!

1 comment:

  1. Love the post honey! :)

    I am shamelessly leaving a link to our games site here too: http://facadegames.com
